Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Service Learning Meeting 1

Our first meeting of service learning was just a whole lot of confusion. The reason for it was because simply people did not know what we were supposed to be doing. The entire time we were in the room we were brainstorming on what the main purpose of our group was supposed to be. The title of the group was Mentoring but that is just a typo. In my opinion the true purpose of our group was to help the school. So we thought of ways to do so. We thought of making a How To Survive Con High Guide and a Student Lounge. The title of the guide explains itself, how to survive Con High. The guide would contain suggestions on how to do well in our school. The Student Lounge was just a place where students could relax and talk to a mentor or someone about problems they were having in the school or it could be used as a place for peer mediation.

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